CONSIS Advanced Inventory Management Software
Save time. Save money.
“The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.” – Bill Gates
Adding robotics to your pharmacy doesn’t automatically mean that your inventory becomes ‘Managed.’ The concept that you just put it all into the box and it takes care of itself is a furphy. You’ve all heard of the saying “Give a man a shed….”

Often, an inexperienced staff member or an intern pharmacist is tasked with ordering dispensary SKU’s and for fear of running out, they inadvertently over-order. A busy shopping centre pharmacy in NSW was haemorrhaging cash and we were asked to assist with a dispensary review. It was easy to see what was going on when we walked into the dispensary. The image here is $80k of overstocked SKU’s because the intern was warned not to run out of anything! Emotional decisions were increasing stock levels and costing the business. We quickly identified the concept of stock-turns, tying up cash in unsold stock and went through the process of managing stock.
When adding a robot into the dispensary, it is often viewed as the automation of tedious manual tasks within the dispensary. Lessor recognised, are the efficiencies gained with robotics in inventory management.
The quote from Bill Gates reminds us of the importance of efficiency within inventory management. The balance between having too much stock and not enough is a fine one, stock management refers to the activity of keeping a supply of the right stock at the right time. We get it, owners can’t be everywhere and over every detail of their business so the team at Willach set about creating smart software which helps your team to keep their robot and stock in check.
This new Advanced Inventory Management Software for CONSIS simplifies your ordering process, integrates with PharmX and marks the stock off invoice as it scans into the machine (dependent on your Dispense Software’s capability).

The algorithm in the software analyses the dispensed drugs over the previous 3 months and calculates a suggested order for either 7, 10 or 14 days of stockholding. Pharmacies on the trial program identified that they were holding $8-$10k less stock per week as an ongoing basis. More importantly their staff were more efficient with their time and felt less stressed in checking stock levels and making decision on what to re-order. They were no longer torn between rushes or their team just to meet cut-off times. Overall staff satisfaction was seen to improve and they were able to put their energies into service.
In addition to the ordering efficiencies, CONSIS A.I.M.S. aggregates all the standard management reports into a single summary page. It serves as a dashboard where you can filter the Advisories to view the required actions to optimise your robot. Pharmacies have reported much greater efficiencies within their machine and feel that the guess work has been taken out of stock and cash management.
If you are interested in adding the Advanced Management software to your CONSIS, please contact the office on 03-9429-8222 or your Regional Manager to arrange a 60 day free trial.
Mark Brown 0438 225 022
Mel Guise 0400 467 887
Janek Pendrakowski 0418 385 788